St. George's University Hospital

Dr Kamal Patel

Kamal is a Consultant Gastroenterologist and Co-IBD lead at St. George's Hospital.

Kamal has a major research interest in IBD. His work has been presented at the American Gastroenterology Association, United European Gastroenterology Association and the British Society of Gastroenterology.

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Imperial College London

Professor Nick Powell

Nick is a Professor and consultant in Gastroenterology.

Nick's research focuses on the molecular and cellular mechanisms driving chronic intestinal inflammation, and understanding the interplay between intestinal microbes and host immunity.

Find out more@NickPowellLab

Queen Mary University and Barts Health NHS Trust

Professor James Linsday

James is the Professor of Inflammatory Bowel Disease at Queen Mary University of London and a Consultant Gastroenterologist at Barts Health NHS Trust.

James has extensive experience of clinical trials, cohort studies and translational science and is the Chief Investigator of the ASTICite Trial studying stem cell transplantation in patients with refractory Crohn’s Disease.

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Guy's and St. Thomas Hospital

Professor Peter Irving

Peter is Professor of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, consultant Gastroenterologist and research lead at Guy’s and St Thomas Hospital, London. He specialises in IBD and has extensive experience as a principal investigator or steering committee member for several multinational clinical trials and investigator-led cohort studies.
Peter supervises translational laboratory science at King’s College London.

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Francis Crick Institute and Royal Free Hospital

Dr James Lee  

is a clinician-scientist with a longstanding focus on better understanding the biology of immune-mediated disease, and the translation of that knowledge for patient benefit. He has clinical expertise in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and is an active member of the UK and International IBD Genetics Consortia.

Find out more@Dr_James_Lee